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BRONZE Membership

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Product Details

BASIC Membership includes:

PTO membership for one year

Being a PTO member allows your student(s) the opportunity to apply for one of 8 PTO Scholarships we award every year. We award two $1,000 scholarships to graduating Seniors, two $750 scholarship to Juniors, two $500 scholarship to Sophomores, and two $250 scholarship to Freshmen.

This sponsorship helps us to be able to provide teachers with mini-grants for their classrooms and for supplies for their students. It also helps the PTO fund teacher and staff appreciation gifts for all 270 staff and helps fund special projects, supplies, and more for our school.

You can be a member in name only or you can become an active member. We invite you to become an active participant in your students education by being an active participant in the Battlefield High School PTO. The level of involvement is up to you!

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*The Battlefield High School Parent Teacher Organization (BHS PTO) is not a program or department of the Prince William County Public Schools, but an independent organization which has obtained the approval of PWCS to support its schools, students, teams, programs, and extracurricular activities. All funds raised by the BHSPTO must be used for approved school purposes.

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